
Haiku, Haiku, Haiku, and other updates

I've had a lot of things on my plate this June with creative projects, teaching, composing, and a short vacation. I should be packing for my trip to the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival (where Reverie of Solitude will receive its premiere), but this is more fun.

Here's the rundown of what the past three weeks have looked like: I've been working on the OU School of Music's 2015 MUSIC MOSAIC magazine. To the annoyance of the OU Printing Services staff, I did the entire thing in Microsoft Publisher last year. So in addition to curating content this year, I also had to learn InDesign, which I really like. If only I had a reason to subscribe to it all the time. Last week, I was the music technology instructor for the Norman Suzuki Piano Camp, which taught me a lot about what works and doesn't work when teaching young children about music technology. The kids had fun, I had fun, and they at least know of different musical possibilities than they did before. I've been working on substantial upgrades to Liszt and the Encore Concert Management System, which tracks concert attendance and helps plan recitals.

Those of you who pay attention to me on Facebook and Twitter will know about my Pointless Haiku project with poet Walter Jordan. So far I've put together two sets of haiku (a set of five and a set of seven), with an additional set of five forthcoming. You can find everything on the pages for Five Pointless Haiku and Seven More Pointless Haiku. While the haiku thing was going on, the Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States (SEAMUS) posted a call for works for electroacoustic miniatures, with the theme being…Haiku. So now there's another tape piece on the website, Automation and Autonomy.

Decorative element
Kyle Vanderburg