2014-05-30 by Kyle
As part of the AudioAtlas Project, I've put together a map of my past performances over on the map page. I'll be updating this with future events as I get word of them.
There's also some sample syllabi over on the teaching page, as part of a project to design an electroacoustic music curriculum.
2014-05-04 by Kyle
As part of my “putting off studying for my dissertation defense” I decided to redesign KyleVanderburg.com again. I've been updating all of the NoteForge (and NoteForge Apps) sites to Twitter Bootstrap because it works well and is pretty easy to use, but I wasn't terribly happy when I moved the .com over to a new design. I ended up losing the old note cluster, and my name wasn't as large as I'd like it (something something composer ego), but all of that is updated with the recent redesign.
There's a new footer to go along with the new header, some javascript controlling the menus over on the compositions page, a new footer, and the entire thing works pretty well on mobile too.
It's also fun to compare this version to Version 14 and Version 13.