
Fall 2015 International Performances

It's been a whirlwind summer, with Steven and Michelle's wedding in Canada in July, and Cassie getting the NDSU clarinet job and moving up to Fargo. For the latter part of July and the beginning of August, we made like three trips to Fargo, either from Oklahoma or from Manitoba. That made composing difficult, but we'll get to that in a minute.

While I was bouncing around the great plains, my music found some new performances around the world. First off, Creatures from the Black Bassoon found a spot on the Sonic Arts Forum's concert at the Oriel Sycharth Gallery of Glyndwr University, in Wrexham, Wales on September 9. I'm still debating on whether I get to buy a Welsh flag for this one. Reverie of Solitude, my new-ish work for environmental recordings, was accepted for the 2015 Congreso Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Musical (CICTeM) in Buenos Aires, Argentina and was performed on September 17. Creatures had its South American debut there in 2013. Reverie was also selected for EMUFest 2015, and will have its European premiere on October 9 in Sala Bianchini at the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia in Rome. This only barely counts as an international performance, but Reverie will also be performed at this year's International Computer Music Conference in…Denton, TX at the University of North Texas on September 28. I'll actually go to that one, seeing as how it's only two hours away from Norman.

After all of the driving, and some of my other summer projects (which included a lot of notation work and a magazine design), I didn't have much room for writing music. I have a lot of samples for a new tape piece, but I've really been wanting to write something for oboe and electronics, or oboe and piano. I finally (as of last week) got back into a routine, and here's what's become of that routine thus far.

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It's going to be a good year for creativity.

Decorative element