What I'm doing now

Last Updated 2022-03-20

This is my now page. Have you considered one?

March has been a lot of travel--first down to Omaha for the central regional College Music Society conference, then down to Ada, Oklahoma for the south central regional CMS conference, then a few days in Norman catching up with friends, and then later this week to Bismarck for the North Dakota Music Educator's Association conference. 

I've just finished reworking Daydreams of Arcadia into a larger woodwind quintet work titled (for now) Course of Empire. Stay tuned for more info on that one, it gets premiered next month at NDSU's new music festival! 

Currently Reading: Steve Reich's Conversations and Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow.

Currently Listening to: It's that point in the year where I remember podcasts are a thing.

Recent Sheet Music Purchases: George Crumb's Black Angels, which is far larger than I thought it would be.

Kyle Vanderburg