Hi There!

I grew up in southeast Missouri where the Ozark foothills meet the Mississippi River valley. My electronic works often play with familiar sounds in new contexts (like duct tape that brings about the apocalypse or rockets powered by steam) and my acoustic works feature memorable melodies and a very fluid sense of time.

I live in Fargo, where I'm composer in residence at the Challey School of Music at North Dakota State University.

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Kyle Vanderburg

Decorative element

Recent Works

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New Releases

Mind & Machine Vol. 3 Cover
You Can't Outrun Your Daydreams released on Muslab Planeta Complejo Vol. 1-2-3.
MUSLAB – Planeta Complejo is a selection of sound pieces from the MUSLAB exhibition. MUSLAB is an International Electroacoustic Music Exhibition that aims to bring together and disseminate the creation and sound exploration of artists from different countries around the world, promote the creative process and contemporary artistic communication, to bring new audiences closer to contemporary sound creation, and create an international community network through the development of different cultural activities, training in new technologies and sound art concerts.

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Mind & Machine Vol. 3 Cover
Creatures from the Black Bassoon released on Mind & Machine Vol 3.
MIND & MACHINE VOL THREE offers a new look into the Ravello Records series of electro-acoustic and electronic music lauded by critics as “interesting and captivating” (Cinemusical). This latest edition features an array of composers and sound-artists who offer his or her own striking exploration into the means by which technology can be used to alter time and form to create entirely new musical experiences.

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Decorative element


June-July-August highlights

09/01/2024 05:26 PM

I’ve worked on some projects this summer (furniture, writing, parenthood), and I’ve been trying to stay away from social media, with varying results. So here’s a brain dump of things from this summer. I finally refinished the last of the six mission-style chairs I bought from the University of Oklahoma in the mid-2010s. And then […]

“Tape Piece” selected for La Hora Acusmática

05/30/2024 05:12 PM

I’m spending the week working on some publishing updates, getting some scores up and ready to distribute, and finishing up an orchestra piece, But meanwhile, from the inbox this week: Dear artist After an arduous task by our evaluation commission, the works listed below have been selected for our “Fourth Cycle of Virtual Concerts” of […]

Presenting on the creative process in Washington, DC in November.

04/19/2024 04:39 AM

From the inbox: Dear Kyle Vanderburg, We are happy to inform you that your presentation, “Debugging the Composer: designing a tool for self-reported composition processes” has been accepted to ATMI 2024 in Washington, D.C. November 7-9. Congratulations.  We ask that you 1) reply to this email confirming your intentions to present at the conference by May 15, and […]

The Earth Shall Soon Dissolve Like Snow accepted for 2024 National CMS Conference in Washington DC

03/27/2024 07:23 PM

Last week, as I was working on preparations for the College Music Society’s regional conference at NDSU, I received notification about an acceptance to their national conference this fall in Washington. Dear Kyle Vanderburg, Greetings from The College Music Society. I am pleased to inform you that your proposal for the 2024 CMS National Conference […]

You Can’t Outrun Your Daydreams now available on MUSLAB-Complex Planet

01/17/2024 04:16 AM

This was in the works for most of the fall semester, but I can finally announce that my You Can’t Outrun Your Daydreams has been released on Volume 1 of MUSLAB’s Complex Planet album. From back in September: KyleMUSLAB International Electroacoustic Music Exhibition is pleased to inform you that your work has been selected to […]

Kyle Vanderburg