
Austerity 20170918

Decorative element

Austerity 20170907

Decorative element

Austerity 20170906

Decorative element

Austerity 20170901

Decorative element

Austerity 20170831

Decorative element

Austerity 20180828-1

Oh look, Feature Creep has a new title!

Decorative element

Feature Creep 20170823

Decorative element

May, June, and July Updates

After starting out the year doing a decent job of blog updating, I disappeared for like three months. Here's what happened:

Most of the beginning of May was spent grading. Three classes, 100 students, concert reports and final papers. There was lots of reading. After that, it was getting ready for a road trip with Cassie, driving Oklahoma->North Dakota->Montana->Missouri->Oklahoma->North Dakota. Part of this time was spent finalizing my move from Norman to Fargo. Part of this time was spent getting engaged.

Back in Fargo, Cassie and I moved all her stuff to our new apartment while preparing for the North Ambassadors of Music trip to Europe. Long days of band music, long nights of putting things away.

Then we went to Europe with 400 band kids. London, Paris, Crans-Montana Switzerland, Seefeld Austria, Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany. I recorded a bunch of sounds, some of which are making an appearance in the Saxophone piece.

After returning to the US, Cassie flew down to Orlando for ICA, and I drove to Norman to pack all my things and get them to Fargo. By the first of August, everything was in the apartment at least, if not put away.

So, unfortunately, not a great deal of composing this summer–that is, until we get to August. But we have a few days before I give you the August updates.

Decorative element

Feature Creep 20170818

Decorative element

Feature Creep 20170817

Decorative element
Kyle Vanderburg