
Irons in the Fire

As the semester started, I hoped that things would be calmer than the fall, and thankfully in most ways they are. In some ways, however, there’s more work. Here’s a list of some of the things on my radar this spring, some moving into next fall and further.

  • At NDSU: I’m part of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Course Curation Committee, which is looking at how to update/streamline some college requirements.
  • At NDSU: I’m continuing as a member of the NICE Faculty Fellows, which promotes and explores Entrepreneurship.
  • At NDSU: As part of the NICE center, I’m also helping out with the Civic Innovation Force, which will pair students with the City of Fargo to solve problems.
  • Through NICE I’ve happened to get involved with a project to promote nanotechnology by writing music about nanotechnology. It’s supported by an NSF grant.
    • To Do: Learn how nanotechnology works.
  • NASA is interested in linking to Calibrating the Moon on the Arcstone project website.
  • I have two recording projects in the works.
  • I’m negotiating a commission of a new large ensemble piece–details forthcoming.
  • I’m negotiating a consortium for a second piece very similar to the first one, and writing a grant.
    • To Do: Learn to write a grant. Before Friday.
  • I had these grand plans to start work on an opera this year, and I still might.
  • Then there’s that clarinet choir piece.
  • I’m giving a faculty recital in a week and a half.
  • The composition studio is giving a Student Composers Recital in March.
  • I’ll likely be doing some bassooning in Wind Symphony this semester.
  • Two CMS regional conferences, in Tennessee and Michigan (and a third performance in Arkansas)
  • SEAMUS National at the University of Virginia.


Decorative element